Membership Fees

Rotherham Metro ASC

The home of competitive Swimming, Diving and Water Polo in Rotherham

Membership Fees

Swimming Age 8 years and under

Swimming Age 9 years and over

Water Polo only

Diving Age 8 years and under

Diving Age 9 years and over






Annually on 1st January or join date

Half yearly on 1st January and 1st July

Half yearly on 1st January and 1st July

Annually on 1st January or join date

Annually on 1st January or join date

Annually on 1st January or join date

*Second and subsequent child members are charged half fees on reaching the year in which they are 9years old.

Water Polo, Student, Master and Diving members are also required to pay their annual ASA registration fee.  This will be collected by the club and paid to the ASA on your behalf.

By way of clarification, the swimming age is the age as at 31st December each year.

Download Membership Application Form (90K PDF) by clicking here

Download Membership Subscription Form (90K PDF) by clicking here